For the athlete

How wakeboard world champion Sanne only barely lives off her prize money

The sound of rippling water, tropical house music, sizzling barbecues and glasses touching each other in hearty cheers. The sun burns a bit on the skin, but it’s perfect in combination with the light breeze on the lake. The atmosphere around wakeboarding hints of a magical summer. Or: a carefree existence. But appearances deceive. Meet […]

Kickboxer Luis Tavares dreams of the GLORY world title

BAM! Each blow connects. As a bystander it’s scary, but for Luis Tavares it’s a Thursday morning. Left, right, left, kick. The sweat pours down his face in the ring. “And this is a pretty relaxed session”, he says with a smile.  It’s sort of a luxury garage, the location in Rotterdam-Noord that hosts the […]
